
Delivering Joy

Conception planning, prenatal, pregnancy, and post-partum care


Comprehensive gynecology services for every age and stage

Well Woman

Empowering care for the whole woman

Our Philosophy

Of all the doctors a woman chooses in her lifetime, choosing an obstetrician/gynecologist is perhaps the most personal. Your OBGYN counsels you through some of the most intimate moments of your life—listening to your concerns, answering your questions, and providing you with the best possible care through top-notch treatment, prevention, and well woman services. In this way, you become an active participant in your care and we become an active partner in your good health. It’s what a woman wants.

Our Philosophy

Our Team

Angela Markman, MD, FACOG

“I love being an OB/GYN because it is a true privilege to care for and treat different generations of women.”

Vivian Mishan, MD, FACOG

“My role extends beyond treatment; I really enjoy helping women understand their bodies and learn about care options that are accessible and safe.”

Charlsie Celestine, MD

“I believe that all women should understand their bodies. I advocate for health education, and empower all of my patients to take an active role in their health.”

Benoit Mapa, DO

Maurine Shalev, MD

“Life can be full of challenges, so I like to be proactive in helping women solve issues quickly.”

Karen Lowe, DNP

“My devotion to caring for women began nearly 30 years ago and has continued without wavering. The knowledge that we share with our patients and communities through education and commitment is truly gratifying.”


Conception Planning




Well Woman


Pregnancy After 35

Degrees have been achieved, career established, and home obtained. Now, you’re ready to start that family you have always wanted. Well, not so quickly READ MORE…

6 Common Misconceptions About Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Polycystic ovary syndrome is a complex disorder that some women develop during their childbearing years READ MORE…

5 Things You Should Always Tell Your Gynecologist

If you’re experiencing any unusual symptoms or problems “down there,” do not hesitate to tell your gynecologist.  READ MORE…

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